Portland Multifamily Investment News Roundup From Rose City CRE

From one of the nation’s lowest vacancy rate to spiraling rents, the Portland multifamily real estate scene is in a frenzy. We’ll help keep you up-to-date on all the trends and latest information: here our multifamily experts have put together a quick read of four articles.

With the Portland multifamily market as hot as it is, the rising prices and scarce availability has given rise to more than a few “urban legends” about the reasons. This fact-filled, but still humorous, article debunks 5 of them.

“Few trends boil the blood of Portlanders like developers ripping down old homes and replacing them with monster houses. But there’s one problem with the idea that teardowns are a force in making the city more costly. The numbers show it can’t be true. In the past five years, developers tore down 929 single-family homes, according to the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. Developers then built 2,002 new housing units on those cleared lots.” – WWeek

The 5 Myths About Portland Apartments
Long used to a steady supply of residential properties discounted due to foreclosure or other distress, investors are moving to multifamily investments as the supply of inexpensive residential properties dries up. In just two years, the number of investors with MF in their portfolio has increased 50%.

“Investors’ search for discount-priced, distressed houses—like vacant foreclosures priced for quick sale—has become more difficult over the past two years as inventory tightens…” – Construction Dive

Investors pivot to multifamily as distressed house inventory dries up
Portland multifamily property owners and managers cannot afford to be ignorant of the laws governing their relationship with their tenants. And, these laws can change periodically, so an update is always a good idea—and much less expensive than a lawsuit.

“…managing an investment property is about much more than finding the perfect tenant for the perfect unit. It’s even more important to understand the legalities associated with running a rental business.” – BiggerPockets Blog

The Top 7 Laws Every Landlord Needs to Study

When you’re considering multifamily investments, you can’t afford to have anything less than a commercial real estate expert advocating on your behalf. Our article carefully explains why you need a broker looking after only your best interests.

“You want a Buyer’s Broker that is willing to be a strong (perhaps even aggressive), creative, superbly informed, and resourceful ADVOCATE for your side” – The Investment Insider Report  Rose City CRE

The Case For Using A Buyer Broker Specialist To Acquire Investment Real Estate: The Advocate

Not much is as hot as the Portland multifamily investment real estate market right now. Make sure a professional investment real estate broker is working on your behalf as your advocate. Call us today at 503-577-1034!

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